Anteil von UHT-Milch am Gesamtverbrauch in Europa

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  1. Czechoslovenian on

    Ah crap. Guys Slovenia isnt in the EU anymore.
    pack up your bags. Back to Slovenski Tolar. Gonna have worse money than Hungarians

  2. To Irish people UHT milk is a horror story they talk about around the fire.

  3. Quirky_Ambassador284 on

    I had a spanish girlfriend that would always drink UHT. I, growing up drinking normal/fresh milk, never understand how she could drink that. Taste of UHT is so bad.

  4. BlakeWheelersLeftNut on

    UHT milk taste worse to me but I only use milk for cooking and coffee so I buy it now because I don’t use much milk and it has a long expiry.

  5. I only use milk occasionally, and in small quantities, so I buy milk boxes for kids because they come in 8oz (~250ml) UHT boxes that I can open and consume individually, and the closed boxes have a super long shelf life.

    UHT does taste worse than regular milk, but the convenience of having it when I need it can’t be beat.

  6. How is France top bracket? Anecdotal, but I’ve been to Turkey half a dozen times, never saw fresh milk yet – can’t believe France outstrips it

  7. Republic_Jamtland on

    How does Milk consumotion as primary beverage for meals look?

    My family consumes aproximently 15 liters per week (2 adults 2 kids).

  8. HeemeyerDidNoWrong on

    I assume US grocery stores carry UHT but I can’t remember ever noticing it, it I need milk I go to the fridge section. Powdered milk is also good to have in hand in cooking emergencies.

  9. I’m going to go to all the usual “sample size of one” but Portugal does and is increasingly selling fresh milk out of the fridge.

    The options keep increasing and some mainstream supermarkets even sell goat’s milk.

    Maybe it doesn’t pass the threshold on this map but I wouldn’t be surprised if it did.

    Milk is generally UHT though but most of it has weeks to months shelf life not years and doesn’t taste like arse like the UHT I’m used to from other countries.

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