Wer wird der erste Billionär der Welt sein?



  1. Hot-Relationship3126 on

    This article breaks down who might hit a trillion dollars first, Musk or maybe someone unexpected. It also speculates on what a trillionaire might mean for society. What do you think, who’s got the best shot? Or is a trillionaire just a pipe dream for now?

  2. We have reached breakaway oligarchy across all markets on the planet now. Everyone seems to think things will go on as normal but they will not. 

    We are looking at radical change most can’t imagine in the western world.  Many individuals are now richer than the government and can unilaterally (rather than collectively in the past) purchase governmental process. 

    This like Russia and China will lead us to a place where instead of many inputs we will start seeing radically singular decisions that are both short sited and stupid — much as any dictatorship. 

  3. People do not understand how exponential growth/logarithmic scales work

    musk being worth 450b means that he is WAAAAYYYY more than halfway to that goal

    it is twice as hard to go from 100b to 450b than from 450b to 1t dollars

    he is going to reach that amount during this administration, unless something major prevents it

  4. highgravityday2121 on

    Spacex is probably going one elons most profitable and valuable company. It’s the front runner for commercial space and as space industry grows spacex will grow with it.

  5. incoherent1 on

    Perhaps we should measure wealth by the care the most vulnerable in our society are receiving. Just a thought……

  6. Healthy_Razzmatazz38 on

    Is there anyone in history who has made as much money as mark Z by 40 without inheritance, governmental power, or violence.

    I couldn’t find one

  7. PutinBoomedMe on

    Once SpaceX/Starlink go public it’ll be Musk by a wide margin. I hate the fucker but I gladly pay him $120/month since his internet is reliable as hell and way better than the competitors for people with no ISP options

  8. It’s gonna be none of the people who are in the public view. Heck, there probably are already trillionaires in the world now that no one knows about. 

    Some one at Forbes has outright said that there are people they know of who absolutely refuse to be on any public list of rich people. They have also said that rich people they know about have said that they know of people who know one outside of the richy rich club knows about and that there are people who are richer than ANY one on any existing list. 

    And before any one tries to argue with me, it’s really easy for the super wealthy to hide investments and even cold hard cash. The richer you are the easier it becomes.

  9. Hopefully no one. It’s already obscene enough that billionaires exist

  10. Gee, I don’t know! But whoever that is, I hope he’s dethroned (in Minecraft).

  11. This is assuming that there isn’t already one. If we take into consideration the leaders of some states like the Saudi royal family or Putin, pretty sure someone’s already a trillionaire.

  12. D3ath_ByAstonishment on

    If you made $5000 every single day since the day Christopher Columbus set foot in the Americas until now, you still wouldn’t be as rich as Jeff Bezos. These people are evil as fuck, and there nothing about them to look up to.

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