Öffnen Sie die 9/11-Dateien

Von frenzy3


  1. It’s amazing how many things have not been answered that happened that day and it’s like oh well move on nothing to see here.

  2. expertazuresparrow on

    Watched building 7 fall with no plane crash. No debris in the pentagon grass. The 2.3 Rumsfield said we lost track. Lot of the things if you do the math

  3. Frenzystor on

    What? AIr pressure from 20 levels falling down blowing some windows out? Oh no… physics.

  4. reignwillwashaway on

    If you lie about one thing, chances are you’re going to lie about other things.  They lied LONG AGO.

  5. Frog_Eat_Frog_World on

    Most people still don’t know that Osama Bin Laden had a Mansion in Florida, since the 80s!!, still in his name and property taxes paid for until last year!!!

  6. leftrathome on

    I’m not sure if the founding fathers realized the despicable evil that would take place to ultimately try to dismantle our country and take our rights. :/

  7. Most-Discount-1433 on

    Evidence supports Mossad funding and coordinating it, but in reality there is no real evidence of wired explosions.

  8. groovyalibizmo on

    Go to rumble and search Christopher Bollyn if you want to know what happened and who did it.

  9. Chance_Educator4500 on

    Building 7 wiki is ridiculous.

    “The collapse made the old 7 World Trade Center the first steel skyscraper known to have collapsed primarily due to uncontrolled fires.“

  10. Nor-easter on

    I was a firefighter in NJ at the time. We responded to this event. Everyone (the first responders I interacted with) at the time thought there were explosives in addition to the “crashes”

  11. VastTradition6250 on

    pay no mind to the jfk assassination, bay of pigs, mkultra, gulf of Tonkin, but trust us when we say we landed on the moon on the first try!

  12. I will never, ever believe the collapse of the Towers and other buildings was not a controlled demolition.

  13. Wishbone_Away on

    I bet those charges set to cut central exterior steel dead center of width

    would evolve in a downward spiral pattern.

  14. BrewsedSloth on

    This was THE moment the matrix broke. Whether that day, a week, months or years later, 9/11 was the cardinal moment the world changed and the vail was lifted forever. Pre-9/11 and post-9/11 world is as real as it ever gets.

  15. Low_Advance3064 on

    There were huge underground explosions even before the airplanes hit the towers.

  16. Never gonna happen considering every “president” was in on it lol

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