Irgendein Idiot verteilt diese Flugblätter heute von Tür zu Tür. Ich habe noch nicht einmal die erste Schachtel Rosen aufgegessen.

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Von Careless_Wispa_


  1. Callme-Sal on

    Charlatans. Everyone knows self-improvement works best if you leave it until 1 January

  2. I’d say the fucking neck of them but you should see mine after yesterday and today..

  3. AJurassicSuccess on

    Tbf if you’re gonna run a scam you do need to target the vulnerable lol

  4. pink_star_hanna on

    I’ve been seeing ads for this shite all month, few times it was aimed at Christmas party season and then new year new you crap as well.

  5. FluffyDiscipline on

    Loving the roses wrappers in the background…

    Be a rebel, we got another 7 days of eating LOL

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