Karte der gewalttätigen Ereignisse im Türkiye-PKK-Konflikt zwischen 2016 und 2023.

Von denyer-no1-fan


  1. TyphoonOfEast on

    Intervention of West in the Middle East is the worst thing ever happened for this land.

  2. potential-autism on

    map is about PKK but includes YPG, wow, i see what you’re trying to do there… justifying the current invasion of Turkey against the Syrian kurds. did you also include the recent Kobane airstrike by Turkey that killed a woman and her infant child? was she also PKK terrorist?

  3. AVeryBadMon on

    No matter how hard Turkey tries to oppress, destroy, or massacre the Kurds, and believe me they have tried very hard to earse them, it’ll all be futile. Sooner or later, the Kurds _will_ get their own country. They’re the 4th largest ethnic group in the Middle East with a population of 30-40 million. Not only that but their demographics are healthy and growing while the same isn’t true for the Turks. Whether it’s a 5 years from now or 50, Kurdistan will become a thing within our lifetimes.

    Edit: This post is being brigaded by Turkish nationalists. This is a common tactic by them here on Reddit where they brigade any posts that exposes their country’s doing or history, and try to drown it out with propaganda and voting manipulation using sheer numbers. If you’re a Turkish nationalist, then you can fornicate yourself with a steel pipe you genocidal twats.

  4. KingKohishi on

    This is so much smaller than claimed Kurdistan. I guess Kurdish separationists are not supported in their claimed territories.

  5. Narrow-Seat-5460 on

    At these point I’m wishing for a brave politician to from the west to say how the Sykes picot agreement is no longer relevant
    Its time for changes
    Countries like Syria Lebanon and Iraq must be divided by ethnicity

  6. Aggravating_Shame285 on

    Just want to point out to those unaware of the topic, the people on the receiving end of the violence, the victims so to speak, are mostly kurds and a lot of them are civilians killed by the Turkish military and their Jihadist proxy-groups.

  7. LetMeGetThat4u on

    By the way, if anyone is wondering what the PKK is, it’s a narco-terrorist cult that brainwashes kurds.

    They don’t even want a state, in fact they oppose any borders being changed. They want every Kurd to worship their now imprisoned leader, Abdullah Ocalan. This guy was a violent rapist who silenced and killed any kurds he saw as a threat to his power.

    They like to fool westerners claiming they’re all about democracy and women’s rights. It’s all bullshit. They literally groom women into becoming suicide bombers.

  8. shopdarkcave on

    Well well well I thought the Jews were the problem of the world … llllooolllll sarcasm of course

  9. petawmakria on

    PKK has shown a lot of restraint in staying mainly in the territories they inhabit and hitting mainly military targets.

    You would expect that a normal terrorist group would hit stuff like airports, Turkish airlines, metro systems, tourists in Istanbul, Antalya, Bodrum, etc., energy production plants, take some hostages. Stuff that would cause fear in the population and cripple sectors of the economy.

  10. Big_Dave_71 on

    Why are Turkey et al so obsessed with ruling the Kurds? They don’t even want any decent land, just the shitty mountainous regions where they are the majority. Why not just give them it and crack on? 🤷

    Similar situation to Irish independence from the UK: the Tories of the time opposed it on grounds of crazy slippery slope scenarios that did not come to pass.

  11. Existing-News5158 on

    So from this map it seems like turkey has mostly driven the pkk from turkey itself? Is that correct?

  12. yasinburak15 on

    Yea as Turk it took this long for the PKK to finally collapse in mainland Turkiye.

    Go back to the 70-90s and that map will be fully yellow.

    90s was a fucking disaster, economy was collapsing, military coup threats, corruption, banking and healthcare sector on its legs. And random attack from the PKK.

  13. Fast_Cow_8313 on

    Is this entire sub just a peopaganda channel for Ukraine, Turkey and anyone else who doesn’t get enough attention in mass media?

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