Russland warnt vor „Hypothesen“ nach dem Absturz von Aserbaidschan Airlines


  1. prguitarman on

    “In Moscow, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “It would be wrong to put forward any hypotheses before the investigation’s conclusions. We, of course, will not do this, and no-one should do this. We need to wait until the investigation is completed.”

  2. If Russia didn’t shoot it down, must have been the SA-11 Santa also carries as backup against Krampus. Who’d have thought Santa also commits war crimes?

  3. Another Russia Warns!

    No different to the other 656384738474747 daily Russia warns !

  4. In Russia bird strike side of plane all the time. Lead birds maybe. Don’t think to hard, maybe fall out window

  5. SwissCanuck on

    Russias warning can suck my…

    How many more civilian airliners are we gonna let them shoot down before doing something?

  6. MourningRIF on

    It’s not a hypothesis when there is clear evidence. It’s now a theory.

  7. SlamTheBiscuit on

    Anyone: *breathes*

    Russia: we warn anyone against breathing. We will retaliate

  8. Yeah, they need time to find a way to blame it on the US. Fuck ruZZia!

  9. Dedsnotdead on

    There are grouped high velocity penetration holes in the planes fuselage where shrapnel has penetrated. It’s not easy to mistake it for anything else.

    So either the plane took off with that damage pre-existing or something exploded near the plane during the last flight.

  10. BeatKitano on

    Thank you for another warning Russia.

    We’ve been thoroughly warned you did a thing you didn’t want people to know about. The consequences: awareness.

  11. plan_with_stan on

    What are they gonna do to every single person speculating? There are not enough high towers…

  12. justablick on

    Hypothesis? Mfs there is actual bullet/shrapnel holes on the tail. The audacity of Putin and his lapdogs is unbelievable.

  13. affemannen on

    Did anyone actually think it was Russia before they said this? Didn’t it look like an actual accident?

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