Heston Blumenthal war ein großer Koch, der plötzlich vom Erdboden verschwand. Wenn Sie ihn googeln, wurde er bequemerweise unter unfreiwillige psychiatrische Aufsicht gestellt. Gibt es irgendwelche Verschwörungen darüber, was wirklich vor sich geht?

Von Beachedmumbum


  1. He was going to spill the beans on Greg Wallace and his love of fruity middle-aged tarts with his homemade custard.

    The BBC had him committed before he could spoil season fuck knows how many of the great British bukaki and bake off.

  2. More-Gold-4741 on

    Maybe something similar to Antony Bourdain who was working on that doc Silent Children. They’ll discredit and silence you somehow. Failing that, you’ll OD or fall from a high place or commit suicide with 2 gun shot wounds to the back of the head.

  3. Friend of mine was at some retreat where people were tripping balls on mushrooms and God only knows whatever else. Supposedly he was in the throes of a long mushroom trip, came out of it after “many days” and went right back into another trip…

    I don’t really know much about this world, just relating a second hand story from a friend who witnessed (at least him being there tripping)

  4. Ok-Pangolin3407 on

    I don’t understand how a wealthy British man can live his whole life with bipolar but only get diagnosed in his 60s

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