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Nah, he’ll turn his attention elsewhere before anything happens.
There’s logical reasons to turn away the Americans too, but they won’t work as well as just waiting for the next thing to happen.
I’m giving it a: Tomme tønder buldrer mest, out of ten.
No one wants the US. Not Denmark and not Greenland
It is just proof of how little DJT understand about international relations. If he really was serious about gaining control of Greenland and knew ANYTHING about how to effectively go about it, he would studiously avoid using the phracing “buy Greenland”. That framing of the issue is unacceptable to both Greenland and Denmark. What he could do, was to publically support the Greenlanders legal and moral right to increased autonomy or even total independence and promise that the USA would act as garanteur for the economic and security interrests of an independent Greenland.
Greenland is not for sale, but it could like be convinced to leave the Danish Commonwealth and closely align itself to the USA. Insisting on talking about “buying” Greenland only make it more difficult for him to get to the outcome he wants. These posts are almost certainly either entirely for internal US consumption or the result of the mental decline of an already painfully mediocre mind.
Just FYI USA already got a base on greenland its basicly free use for them
The Greenlandic people would be hard pressed to find/negotiate similar treatment and social services as they have now, from the US. This is just another tantrum from a perpetual demented brat.
Besides, US already gets all they want out of Greenland they can from a security standpoint:
* NATO-allied host nation.
* Access to one of the largest airports in the country.
* Intelligence and sharing of information via Sirius-Patrol in the harsh and remote eastern Greenland.
* Easy access to the northern parts of the Atlantic ocean/passage.
Trump is a diplomatic crisis, but mainly because he is an ignorant asshole. People tried to reason with him the last time, but figured out it was better to just “ignore” the US. Same thing will happen this time.
At least it was a healthy eye-opener. Now people understand that the US is only your friend as long you cater to their needs. Hopefully that sticks in the back of the head next time they invoke the Ledeen Doctrine.
Basically it is up to the Greenlandic people, who they want to align with. There have been quite a number of issues with Denmark – on the other hand there could also be problems being an independent state with only around 56.000 persons.
I am concerned that a country that we have considered an ally for very many years, have become an imperialistic. Trump also admires Putin, and has never really criticized his imperialism. Living in Denmark this is a threat, and we will be squeezed between these powers.
I also believe that there is a need for some solid professional diplomats to explain to Trum and his allies that a Sovereign nation is not something you can buy.
It will be interesting but scary what a new Trump administration will do at home, to women. immigrants, poor and sick people etc. as well as international. Somehow he got his 49.4% of the voters in the US – creating chaos for the rest of the world.
Honestly in real world terms it could mean a million different things. Assuming DJT won’t invade Greenland there are many different scenarios. US has a largeish military presence in GL which could be expanded – even with the approvement of GL/DK
The dude *is* a walking diplomatic crisis.
He’s interested in Greenland for rare earth minerals
As a dane I’m pretty sure we can trade some of the snow on Greenland for let’s say Texas
Lets hear the offer. I lived in greenland for two years and absolute loved it. Welfare system being even better than in proper Denmark; Free dental care and medication. I would hate greenland to split from denmark given the long history together +1000 years.
But the reluctance of Danish politicians to assertively address Greenland’s status and emphasize its connection to Denmark on the global stage, driven by concerns about being perceived as imperialistic or colonialist, is creating opportunities for the likes of DJT or russia/china
“We demand land and territory (colonies) for the sustenance of our people, and colonization for our surplus population.” Adolf Hitler, February 24, 1920, .On February 24, 1920, 25 point program of the National socialist Party NSDAP.
Its a dog thats just barking
Due to the rapidly developing stupidity in the US, I have decided to ignore all things American for 4 years.
If you turn on all your friends alliances don’t make sense.
I think Trump has turned up the volume to pretend he is a strong man who isn’t in the pockets of anyone.
Us has a military presence in Greenland and an interest in controlling decisions made in regards to Greenland. But would also like for DK to continue paying some of the bills and getting all the shit from local politicians.
I will just quietly remark that the controlling Greenland has been an extreme strategic priority for the US for a long while now. That the President does not consider it under his control now despite it being part of a NATO country should frighten us- it would be one of the steps a us President who considered leaving NATO would take
like he just want to change the map to cement his legacy. Thats it he dosent care about them. article 4 that MF if he tries
as a Greenlander myself, i hate that fat orange bastard so much. fuck him and all the maga cult followers, including Musk
I think that’s for Greenland to decide and not r/Denmark 🙂 But perhaps if Trump expects a yes from Denmark and we can’t give it to him when it’s Greenland’s decision.
Grandpa Simpsons vibes.
Depends on how far Trump is willing to go, in order to gain control over Greenland. If he tries to pull a Putin and annex Greenland, like Putin did with first the Crimean Peninsula, and subsequently the Ukrainian eastern most provinces, then there’s gonna be a crisis. I doubt it’ll come to that though.
In the off-chance it **does** come to that, at least we’ll know just how out of his gourd, Trump truly is, and that he has no intentions of ever relinquishing his power to another president elect.
In this scenario, the world will have gained one more dictator.
Det handler om at lægge lidt pres på hans fjender. Allerede inden han overtager magten, er de langt mere på vagt overfor ham end Senile Joe.