Kurachowe. Momente, die Sie nie vergessen werden. Evakuierung verwundeter Kameraden. Abfahrt von Kurachowe.

"Krieg ist auch Leben. Nur um ein Vielfaches schneller"



  1. GlitteringCattle1499 on

    all I want for Christmas is all Ukrainians defenders to stay alive so they can spend another Christmas Day with their love ones!

  2. Express-Ad-5076 on

    This is what looking after your brothers looks like. Slava Ukraine.

  3. Both_Variation_9159 on

    The best that Jack Sullivan has to suggest is to throw younger kids into this mess. To see that guy saying that ‘we gave Ab.M-1 tanks’ (31 total, with a few now lost), and ‘we gave F-16s’ (0 total), makes any decent and pacific person want to punch him in the face. Repeatedly.

  4. Scrotis42069 on

    Can’t imagine the relief and emotions with knowing the risks and yet your buddies still grabbed you and saved you. Gotta be like a second birth.

    Glory to the Heroes

  5. IronSack46 on

    These people are machines! The communication and speed is amazing, great work guys.

  6. Yeah the fuxkin boys. That’s a good brotherhood right there. Slava Ukraine

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