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“Ha, dumbass forgot all about us and his stupid wall. Anyone up for a drive across the border just to piss him off?”
Canada :
Time to build a wall of our own, eh?!
So just a quick invasion and out again with Mexico? No keepsies?
Is this saying that Elon is pushing for expansion into different territories in order to establish more car sales and 5G tracking and drone coverage?
Ho, ho, ho
Earth to America and the world news media: Trump has two goals, 1. Stay out of jail (accomplished) 2. Flush as much money out of government, MAGA supporters and big business as he can.
There’s nothing else; he doesn’t care about Greenland, or Canada, or drug trafficking, or the Panama Canal, or tariffs, or the border, or electric cars. These are all distractions from the biggest crime wave and theft in human history. WAKE THE FUCK UP!
Trump was in bed and typing with one hand while fondling himself.
He may soon take to dressing up as Napoleon Bonaparte or Emperor Nero and demand that a crown be placed on his head at his forthcoming Nurembauguration rally.
To quote Mel Brooks, “It’s good to be da King”.
Demented Donald is going to make this a long, miserable four years.
He’s such a fucking idiot. Send him to Cracker Barrel and tell him it’s the West Wing.
But in reality, he literally is planning to invade Europe with Russia and North Korea.
Seriously, he needs to be drug tested. Anyone who thinks this is normal, presidential behavior is a moron.
Can I speak to president ELon
The headline should be: “Trump gives most American voters what they want by threatening to take over Canada, the Panama Canal, and Greenland in Christmas Message.”
And then the deck can be: “People who voted for Harris were not stupid enough to ask for this.”
I understand he doesn’t respect a lot of people.
But to not respect sovereign nations is a whole new degree of problem.
People benefit from consequences on small decisions to avoid incurring large consequences on large mistakes.
Go back to bed grandpa.
The United States does not want war on its home turf.
These “jokes” are bordering ideas that would be very, very bad for America.
He’s really going all-in on this overcompensation thing, isn’t he?
What a pathetic cuck.
36T in debt, we’re not doing anything.
So many Trump supporters liked to brag there were no wars when Trump was prez. Which isn’t accurate. And now I’m sure they’ll all get into their warrior posture since their orange god wants to take over these small independent countries. But dare anyone support Ukraines struggle against Putin, and they’ll get furious.
Fuck off Trump from most of us in Canada
This type of rhetoric is scary shit. It’s very reminiscent of Hitler wanting to invade and take over European countries and what Russia is doing now trying to re-create the soviet union by invading and taking over countries. The mainstream media by not taking this dude seriously a decade ago has probably led us down legitimate fascism and potentially colonization of these countries. Even floating around the idea that he wants to make Canada a 51st state is fucking bonkers to me.
Our troops are not yours to throw in front of the cannons. Infant hey are better than you – dumb dumb
can I say thank you again to everyone who voted to drown us in utter blithering idiocy again?
dear americans, what the fuck have you done? Its been a while since the election and i cant get my head around the mental gymnastics to elect such an idiot
USA not our ally anymore. Emerging as greatest threat to free world.
I thought Trump was pretending to be the anti war candidate. Or was that only for Ukraine. Why would we invade countries that we are not at war with – but not supply weapons to countries who are actively at war.
I hate this fucking imbecile more than anything
This isn’t funny anymore. We are entering a new era of a dangerous combination of American imperialism and stupidity. Republican constituents want to invade and annex sovereign countries for no reason other than they want to.
Trump is gauging the reaction to invasion, and seriously considering it if it’s popular enough. Anyone who can look at this and think the United States is that different from Russia or China is kidding themselves. We’re just not quite yet at the single party rule they have, but Trump is hyping the party up to make an attempt to have it.
Republicans are bad people.
Sure…make Canada the 51st State.
Which party do you think will win most of those 50+ house and 2 senate seats, to say nothing of the 50+ electoral college votes?
Add Puerto Rico while you’re at it…
People, pay attention to deflections and distractions. Everyone is now talking about Panama, Greenland, Canada…the real news is where is the lower cost of food, gas, rent? They ran on economy promising change. Where is it? Don’t be distracted by every shinny object. Keep asking for what makes everyday easier for you and your family. They are stealing our kids futures and have us talking about Panama! 🙄
This unamerican warmongering fascist piece of shit needs to be put the fuck down
What, no Poland?
How about, before he talks about territories he wants to take over, we make sure he can accurately list the territories his country already possesses