„Geh zur Hölle!“ Trump sendet eine Weihnachtsbotschaft, in der er Bidens Begnadigungen angreift, „radikale linke Verrückte“ kritisiert und sich über Trudeau lustig macht



  1. Count on Trump to always be in the right spirits for the holidays… /S

  2. His gullible chuds always exclaim it’s the left who is spreading divisionism.

  3. there’s a lot of things to make fun of PM Trudeau (aka PM Goodhair) for. just ask our neighbors to the north. but for his dealing with DT, that’s not one of them.

  4. BadSignificant8458 on

    Trump just wants to cuddle and spoon with Putin. Allies are to be ridiculed and turned into enemies. Trump is an absolute mentally defective snake.

  5. Trump is a goon, and he is going to destroy the US economy and blame it on antifa, radical left, and china, but mostly on Joe Biden and his Democratic party. I can hear Diaper Don saying sleepy Joe is causing him problems. MAGA what bunch of ass clowns and total morons.

  6. Tall_Ad_941 on

    Absolute POS should not be allowed anywhere near a political position. WTAF

  7. Both-Mango1 on

    While we all wish Biden would just take a selfie of him flipping the bird and going, ” yo don, this is for you,” it won’t happen, but it’s nice to dream.

  8. Old_Suggestions on

    Bro, how did so much of the country turn so red that they were able to vote this clown and his kind in? How has basic education failed the country so? This is tragic, really.

  9. Bluesmanstill on

    Fuck trump and and anybody who supports him. Other than them,merry Christmas !!

  10. Several_Leather_9500 on

    Miserable loner with possible mental decline rages on ‘truth’ social on Christmas. Tis the season (and every other day of his sad life).

  11. TruthMatters78 on

    Historians will agree universally that he is the least political President in U.S. history to this point. Never before has our country been led by someone so deliberately childish and unprofessional and trashy.

    It says nothing good about the mentality of our citizens that more than 50% thought to themselves, “This stuff is no big deal; Trump is still the best choice.”

    And he’s saying this stuff on Christmas Day??? Christmas Day??? I’m so sad that we’ve stooped this low.

  12. Standard_Arm_6160 on

    Sudden disassociated outbursts of anger is a defining symptom of Dementia.

  13. Having this goof as president says more about the American people than him and it’s not good.

  14. wjames0394 on

    No class no respect no morals for the vice president elect McTrump. President elect should shorten his chain

  15. TheGR8Dantini on

    Trump, and the real owners, are gonna take troops out of Europe and Africa. The US can’t legally pull out of NATO, but if they pull 20 or 30,000 troops back to the states? To stop the “border invasion” or secure the canal or Greenland?

    That will be legal enough. Trump wants his face on Rushmore and branding rights. The techno bros want the new world order. The Christian right wants all the Jews in Israel to help build the new temple and accelerate rapture.

    It’s time to start understanding and preparing for what ls next. Buy bitcoin and TP,

  16. fzr600vs1400 on

    dude really has no life, this misery is all he’s got. guess they were right, money can’t buy happiness. Anybody out there gonna live his way with money????

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