China genehmigt den Bau eines Staudamms in Tibet, der die dreifache Energiemenge der Drei-Schluchten-Staudammanlage erzeugen könnte


  1. That river passes through and feeds southwest china, part of india and most importantly +170 million population of bangladesh, not a great plan

  2. This is going to be the worlds largest power plant by far. It will generate almost as much power as the United Kingdom annually.

  3. steve_ample on

    They probably haven’t learned too many lessons from the three gorges project. It’s all about show, methinks.

  4. Outside-Clue7220 on

    The estimated power output of 60 GW is insane! That’s like 40 nuclear plants. It will cost 137 billion USD.

    The location is very remote in steep mountain valleys. Even for China it will be a challenge to construct it.

  5. Martha_Fockers on

    While this would suck for India geographically politically and population living long the river in drought. India you’ve made it very clear the last ten years you have zero allegiance to anyone you play ball with both sides for cheap oil and resources which is funding weapons of war against Ukraine.

    I guess you’ll need to see if the Russians will sell you cheap water soon too.

  6. Bluebird-day on

    Is it gonna fuck the Tibetans? If not, there’s no way they would have approved that.

  7. Doesnt the Three Gorges Dam displace so much water that it slightly altered the earths movement?

    People bring up the issues with everyone living down water from the proposed dam, but what will be the effect of displacing this amount of water?

  8. Adventurous-Board258 on

    What ppl don’t know that the part where the dam is being built is THE RICHEST TEMPERATE ecosystem in the entire world.

    South East Tibet, Yunnan, Sichuan in China; Northern Myanmar and eastern Arunachal in Northeast India all have this ecosystem.

    Building a dam on the Siang would trigger an unprecedanred dam building spree in India too which would destroy thousands of acres of that biodiverse forests and displace hundreds of ppl. Unlike China, India has no protected area to protect that extremely biodiverse region. I don’t know the amount of destruction in that region.

    Also, that dam is dangerously close to the Indian border and that is some of the rainiest parts in the world and the most susceptible to climate change due to nelting glaciers . Building a HEP there would mean floods in India and Bangladesh if any disaster were to happen. Is this a mere HEP or a weapon of water on India???.

  9. OsamaGinch-Laden on

    I’m going to assume this is going to have a massive negative ecological effect

  10. Cheeeeeseburger on

    I sure hope that China invests in security for these dams. It would be just a tragedy if something were to happen to them.

  11. triodoubledouble on

    Really happy for all Tibet people who will benefit of this wanted relocalisation! /s

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