Joe Biden hat mit Nancy Pelosi – Demokratin – noch einiges zu tun


  1. Boy, they’re sucking those Lindy Li quotes dry. Some Mid-Atlantic Regional Chair of the DNC who hasn’t seen Biden since June apparently knows more about the inner workings of the White House and what Biden is thinking than literally everyone else.

  2. Tokie-Dokie on

    >Earlier this month, (Democratic strategist Lindy) Li broke with her party when defending Trump’s secretary of defense pick, former Fox News host Pete Hegseth.

  3. JollyToby0220 on

    So Lindy Li, a DNC strategist says that Biden has been cognitively impaired for years now and that Biden is still angry about Pelosi forcing him to step down. And this is highlighted by him asking for a ban on Congressional trading. I always thought this move was to improve the image of the Democratic leadership, not a jab at Nancy Pelosi specifically 

    It kind of seems like Lindy Li might be spouting misinformation here. I don’t 

  4. context_hell on

    Why are people still reading newsweek? Isn’t newsweek some AI slopfarm nowadays?

  5. Count_Bacon on

    Nancy Pelosi has no business insider trading and I’m a Democrat but it’s pretty pathetic. I want people like her held accountable

  6. Agent_Forty-One on

    I don’t think so- She’s like 370 years too old for his taste.

  7. althor2424 on

    Nancy needs to retire. It is a safe Democrat seat so she needs to be removed. However, her constituents keep re-electing her because of the Democrats’ archaic policy of rewarding seniority over competency.

  8. yenyostolt on

    They should have gone with Burnie in 2020. You’d all have universal health care and an improving education system by now.

  9. quietflowsthedodder on

    What’s the beef with congress critters buying stocks? They don’t need to, corporations channel money directly into their bank accounts. So banning stock purchases for these reprobates is a joke on the taxpayers.

  10. Successful-Trash-409 on

    Im so fucking over inside trading corporate Nancy. She symbolizes everything bad about Dems. I had enough when she shut down Spanberger’s legislation against Congress insider trading. Im so over those who manipulate politics for personal gain. Nancy is doing the opposite of what a public servant should do — grifting so hard off her power. When the fuck is her elite ass going to have enough money? She is worth motherfucking 250+ million. Can her 84 year OLDDD ass please stop with the horrible optics and stop the insider trading. Motherfucking pleaseeeee? Go away Nsncy you old winch. I was not sad when I heard ypu broke your hip on luxurious old money marble in Europe you stuck up winch.

    I tried hard to reply civilly while reflecting anger of those who lost in November because of her complete nonsense. I applaud President Biden for calling her out!!!

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