„Ein Schatten seiner selbst“: Ökonomen warnen vor Kanadas Produktionsrückgang



  1. FancyNewMe on

    In Brief:

    * Canada risks becoming “irrelevant” to global supply chains, with negative consequences for Canadians’ standard of living and productivity, without serious reform to revive its struggling manufacturing sector, National Bank of Canada economists warn.
    * In a report published Monday, economists Stéfane Marion and Ethan Currie laid out various economic markers showing Canada “is a shadow of its former self when it comes to playing a key role in the G7 manufacturing chain.”
    * They caution against a “digital era” mindset that assumes countries can succeed as “innovators” while letting traditional manufacturing decline.
    * “Without decisive action, Canada risks becoming irrelevant in the North American and global manufacturing supply chains, along with its ability to drive innovation and sustained economic growth.”

  2. And this started towards the second half of the McGuinty government in Ontario in earnest. I had a good friend who did engineering consulting for production lines and he was telling me everyone was pulling out of the province and moving south because of high costs.

  3. OkDifficulty1443 on

    America and Canada should have listened to Ross Perot in the early 90s. It was obvious then and obvious now that sending all your jobs to 3rd world countries is a grave mistake.

  4. vansterdam_city on

    Boomers have been too busy pumping their home equity and bringing in foreign labor to invest in the generation who would have pushed our innovation and productivity forward.

    It’s too late now to go back and foster the idea of passing the torch. We’ve raised a new generation who have learned helplessness because there is really no point in trying. They aren’t wrong.

    It’s truly sad what the older generation has allowed to happen. They didn’t realize they lived through a miracle time economically and thought they would have to make zero effort for the younger generation because it took zero effort for them to succeed.

  5. The effects of neoliberalism. “Sustained economic growth” has its limits.

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