„Baby Driver“-Kinderstar Hudson Meek stirbt im Alter von 16 Jahren nach einem Sturz aus einem fahrenden Fahrzeug



  1. > The actor’s death was reportedly due to blunt force injuries sustained “after falling to the road from a moving vehicle,” Jefferson County Coroner Bill Yates told Alabama news site Al.com. The outlet reported the injury occurred at 10:45 p.m. local time on Thursday, Dec, 19, and, after being taken to the hospital, the teen was pronounced dead at 7:59 p.m. Saturday.

  2. TiredReader87 on

    Awful news. May he rest peacefully. My condolences to his loved ones.

    Baby Driver was fantastic. I saw it twice in theatres.

  3. BigJSunshine on

    I want to know the ratio of holyowopd child actors who die to average American teens who die under the age of 18. I bet it’s fucked

  4. Whatever we find we find out about this, it’s still sad anyone this young, “famous” or not, on any day, but damn on Christmas? Fuck. Fuckin holidays man. 

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