Trump zielt darauf ab, Obama in einer bizarren, einstündigen Social-Posting-Kampagne mit der Wahrheit am Weihnachtstag anzugreifen | Trump hat innerhalb einer Stunde 34 Beiträge auf seiner Social-Media-Plattform veröffentlicht


  1. Wonderful-Variation on

    Obama is the best president of my lifetime and 100 times the man Trump ever was.

  2. CurrentlyLucid on

    really glad I had better things to do than pay any attention to his rants.

  3. SiXSNachoz on

    Why is Trump so focused on Obama? It’s been 8 years since he was in office.

  4. Thaddeus0607 on

    This pathetic soft-skinned individual is still obsessed with Obama? How incredibly weak.

  5. What a horribly bitter human being. Can’t even spend a fucking christmas without attacking his enemies.

    But of course true genuine christians say they want someone to burn in hell in the same breath as “merry christmas”…

  6. How to tell people that the Adderal has kicked in without telling people that the Adderal has kicked in.

  7. NotGreatToys on

    Lol, this absolute loser couldn’t compare to the dirt on Obama’s shoes.

  8. Shut the fuck up and get crackin’ on lowering them egg prices. You have 23 months to get this done else you’re lame-ducked while your party heads for a loss in 2028. You think your base is enough to put Vance in the chair once you’re done? I wouldn’t bet on it. Let’s fucking gooooooo….

  9. HMTMKMKM95 on

    I’m sure President Musk isn’t nearly so obsessed with his betters.

  10. FutureSelf3 on

    Trump shared a meme today, showing Obama at Trump’s 2017 inauguration, with the caption, *”When you see the guy who said, ‘You’ll never be President,’ at your inauguration.”*

    This caption is a reference to something Obama said in 2016 while answering a reporter’s question during an economic summit: *”I continue to believe that Mr. Trump will not be president. And the reason is because I have a lot of faith in the American people… they recognise that being president is a serious job.”*

    As Trump spends Christmas Day childishly taunting and threatening opponents at home and **allies** abroad, it is only fair to acknowledge that Trump’s assessment of the American people has proven on target, and Obama’s assessment of the American people has proven very wrong.

  11. It’s been 8 years since Obama left office, sounds like he’s living rent free in Trumps head.

  12. tricksterloki on

    Trump slipped his handlers today. He’d barely been posting, maybe two a day, and were mostly about position appointments with a few random policy ones.

    Edit: read them on r/trumptweets to not give Trump views.

  13. citizenjones on

    Trump is **still** upset about Obama .

    Trump is the weakest man to ever be elevated to a position of authority.

  14. I can’t see how anyone doesn’t find this incredibly embarrassing for America.

  15. Hey remember when Trump spent over four years creating a conspiracy theory that Obama was born in Kenya and therefore he couldn’t be president?

    Weird how times change and he’s handed his position over to an African born man. I guess he is white though so, maybe that’s the key detail that mattered all along.

  16. borisRoosevelt on

    because he doesnt even spend time on christmas with his own family

  17. Obama doesn’t give this guy a second of his attention. Says a lot…

  18. HistoricalSpecial982 on

    Trump: I feel sorry for you.

    Obama: I don’t think about you at all.

  19. Trump really has a lot of demons in his head. He should see someone about that, it’s no way to live.

  20. mercedesblendz on

    Trump is mentally weak and emotionally stunted. He can’t stand anyone else being praised or being popular. He doesn’t have any ideas except to parrot something one of his advisers told him, like wanting to purchase Greenland. He’s a pathetic human being who is worshipped by millions of losers.

  21. Congratulations to America on electing a mentally ill criminal to the presidency.

  22. Jaynie2019 on

    Tell us you are spending Christmas alone without telling us you are spending Christmas alone.

  23. Marswolf01 on

    This is why someone should quietly encourage Trump to establish universal healthcare. He can call it Trumpcare, and tell him (1) every time someone sees a doctor or gets medicine they will think positively of Trump and (2) it would replace Obamacare and he would “own” Obama.

    His MAGA base would support it because it is Trump, and that way it might even pass in a republican congress.

    We could trick Trump into providing universal healthcare for all Americans!!

  24. espresso_martini__ on

    Jesus christ. 4 more years of this fucker bitching and whining like a Karen at Wal-Mart.

  25. Quick_Hide on

    In one of his books, Obama calls Trump a “2-bit dictator,” which is true.

  26. He’s lonely, miserable, and hurting because nobody loves him. I’d feel bad for him if he wasn’t also a mass murderer and a serial rapist.

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