Reuters – Mitglieder des Präsidenten-Übergangsteams von Donald Trump legen den Grundstein für den Rückzug der Vereinigten Staaten aus dem US-Präsidentschaftswahlkampf Weltgesundheitsorganisation am ersten Tag seiner zweiten Amtszeit, so ein mit den Diskussionen vertrauter Gesundheitsrechtsexperte.
"Ich weiß aus sicherer Quelle, dass er seinen Rückzug plant, wahrscheinlich am ersten Tag oder sehr früh in seiner Amtszeit." sagte Lawrence GostinProfessor für globale Gesundheit an der Georgetown University in Washington und Direktor des WHO Collaborating Center on National and Global Health Law.
Die Financial Times berichtete zunächst unter Berufung auf zwei Experten über die Pläne. Der zweite Experte, ehemaliger COVID-19-Reaktionskoordinator des Weißen Hauses Ashish Jhawar für eine Stellungnahme nicht sofort erreichbar.
Trumpf: „Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation ist nichts weiter als ein korrupter globalistischer Betrug … bezahlt von den Vereinigten Staaten, aber im Besitz und unter der Kontrolle Chinas …“
Von External-Noise-4832
Yeah I’m not expecting any of the good things to happen. The controllers aren’t gonna go through with any of the important changes.
let’s hope so!
“On this episode of *trump blabbers*”…
I hope not!
Lets scatter it into the wind
Good get it done
Thank goodness
Just wait until he gets us out of the U.N. – hoo boy!
Something large-scale is probably gonna happen before then. It’s time for another pandemic, and everyone can feel it coming anyways. People aren’t the same after the last one and they said it themselves that the next pandemic will be up to 20x worse.
Will they withdraw at warp speed?
Awesome news honestly. They were terrible during Covid
He has some interesting plans. If he decides to use Bitcoin in some type of US reserve, that will make BTC explode. I like that Bitcoin has a limited supply and has been accepted now by most credible agencies.
Because WHO belongs to Rockefeller who pretends to care about your health.
It has been hilarious to see normie subs talking of that as if it’s going to be the end of the world.
Let’s hope that Trump actually does that for extra giggles. It will be fun to see the comments of people realizing that – lo and behold! – the world still exists.
Who are these experts
Withdrawal from an international organization that keeps track of disease and health issues.
Seems like a good way to keep the US unprepared for raising health issues. Yet another way the transition team is planning on damaging America.
Guys we’re in a conspiracy sub and a billionaire is trying to eradicate the WHO, and NONE of you think its sus!?
Thank God!!
Smallpox is overrated imo. This sounds like a *great* idea. /s
Cool, the world needs to move on from the US, being the global leader.
Good and also get back to having NATO pay there fair share
Without usa funding, not sure how the WHO will function
Ha ha! Not wasting any time with that load of corrupt bollocks!
Can’t wait for the US to join and exit the WHO every four years
Paris Climate Accord next please!
Scammers beware.
Never Forget
Oh boy! What fun! Is there someone who can explain why anyone would say this will be a benefit to us?