Weihnachts-Waffenstillstände prägen die Geschichte, doch Russland weigert sich, seinen Krieg gegen die Ukraine zu unterbrechen



  1. NoVacancyHI on

    Ceasefires require both belligerents to agree to it, proposing anything should be done unilaterally by one side and not the other is beyond stupid. But hey, many here believed two years ago Russia was ready to collapse at any moment… wouldn’t put much past a partisan sub

  2. NominalThought on

    Why didn’t Zelensky go for Russia’s Christmas ceasfire proposal?

  3. WenIWasALad on

    NOTHING should surprise anyone as to what russian scum are capable off.

  4. bluddystump on

    And leaders still insist that negotiations are still possible with these pricks.

  5. Over-Ad-604 on

    A Christmas ceasefire would require an enemy that is a modern, civilized, viable country.

    Ukraine is fighting a toxic, failing empire, filled with weak, complacent, dead-eyed zombies, led by a sick, crazy, old tsar. Don’t expect civility from animals.

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