Russland verbietet den Abbau von Kryptowährungen in zehn Regionen für einen Zeitraum von sechs Jahren und begründet dies mit Energieproblemen


  1. giuliomagnifico on

    Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory are proving effective.

  2. nature_half-marathon on

    Bans private mining or Government mining? Less for thee, more for me? 

  3. Flimsy_Sun4003 on

    Crypto is going to be an awkward market to navigate with Putin and Musk in power. Haha!

  4. BobedOperator on

    Crypto is a huge waste of energy. The ultimate waste of energy that could be put to good use. A bit like AI.

  5. MarshyHope on

    Good. Crypto mining uses a ton of power for a very meaningless reason

  6. Feliz_Desdichado on

    Hate to agree with Russia on anything but cryptomining should be regulated everywhere, it’s such a waste of energy resources.

  7. yakovgolyadkin on

    Russian broken clock moment. Now if everywhere else could do this forever, that’d be great.

  8. Critical_Cut_3168 on

    Russia government is banning something. People will really care about that shit?

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