Monate vor dem Goldraub am Flughafen Pearson verschwand ein weiterer Goldbarren auf einer Reise durch Toronto: Klage
Looks like Mr. Sticky fingers had a very Merry $270,000 US ($386,000 CAN) Christmas 2022 before the massive gold theft in 2023.
How else are GTAers supposed to buy a house?
I spoke too soon- $270,000 will at most, get you a parking spot in Toronto.
Sounds like “AC Secure” isn’t really that secure. An employee with wandering hands skimming one bar from a shipment of 65 and hoping they miscount is a good strategy when each bar is worth $270k USD.
It’s better to move crypto and digital assets than gold. I can move $1 billion in less than a minute. Try moving $0.1 million through the airport