(NSFW 18+) Eine ukrainische Drohne der UAV-Einheit „Mosquitos“ der 3. Angriffsbrigade landet mit einer abgeworfenen Granate einen Volltreffer auf einem russischen Soldaten. (Veröffentlicht am 24. Dezember 2024)

Von PoshingtonWaste


  1. Damn that was nasty. I’m honestly unsure what was what at the end there.

  2. Nfl_porn_throwaway on

    While this looks brutal and is of course, this is likely just the body finishing the last breaths kind of thing. He likely isnt even mentally alive

  3. Medium_Childhood1523 on

    Good visual what Putin is doing to Russia as a whole and its future.

  4. That. Sucking chest wound and pericardial injury will take him in less than 10 minutes. 

  5. About the most brutal way to go. People that see this and still sign-up to fight are insane.

  6. Dangerous-Possible72 on

    Humans are the worst species on earth. Regardless, nice shot.

  7. puzzleheadbutbig on

    Curious, I think he was already fatally wounded even before they drop anything. Is the purpose of the video is to scare the shit out of Russians whenever they see a drone? (Because if it is, then it is clearly working based on how many suicide videos we have seen since past months)

  8. Prestigious-Moment-9 on

    I thought the black color on his chest was his plate armour

  9. gormgonzola on

    Hope his mom will among those who eventually drag Putin through the streets before they serve him a Mussolini fate.

  10. Josh_The_Joker on

    Okay…this is why we see so many suicides surrounding drone attacks…this is the alternative. Brutal.

  11. KirkSpock7 on

    I’ve seen a lot of stuff in this sub, but watching agonal breathing always gets to me. It’s scary af to watch and makes me feel so uneasy. It’s something else.

  12. kukensmamma1337 on

    The future is now.
    Takes some time for the lads with balls to make it back and upload.

  13. Ancient-Being-3227 on

    Don’t think that guy is going to hop out of there on one leg.

  14. AmityIsland1975 on

    He died more mercifully than the victims of the airliner his countrymen shot down.   Get more drones to Ukraine so we can get more results like this. 

  15. sipping_mai_tais on

    When you think your life is shit, just watch this video and be grateful

  16. MiddlinOzarker on

    Our team corpsman taught us to put our hand over teammate’s sucking chest wound. I didn’t think to ask what if our hand wasn’t big enough.

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