Ein an Bord des Fluges Baku-Grosny vor dem Absturz in Kasachstan aufgenommenes Video zeigt sichtbare Schäden am Flügel. Nach dem Absturz deuten Markierungen am Rumpf darauf hin, dass das Flugzeug möglicherweise von Bodenfeuer getroffen wurde



  1. IntelArtiGen on

    I wouldn’t feel safe if I was in a plane flying over or near Russia these days.

  2. totallynottoxicguy on

    The box under the wing is a cover for the flap mechanism. Although damage to this seems scary it does not effect the flight too much.

  3. DefaultUsername0815x on

    Good lord, it’s a miracle that some survived the crash considering that it was already a miracle that they managed to stay up with all that damage seen in the two videos.

    I’m sure it was a FF incident and being unable to distinguish civilian from enemy seems to be a russian speciality.

  4. Which-Forever-1873 on

    That’s what happens when you have potato brained alcoholics running AA systems in russia.
    Malaysia flight 17.
    Korean Air flight 007
    And now this one.

  5. Optimal_Commercial_4 on

    I really hope everyone who survived gets the help they’re more than owed. Theres no way you come out of surviving that the same.

  6. I doubt that.

    The damage seen is to a flap fairing. Thus far the most likely reason for the crash are several bird strikes after the plane went thru a flock of birds and suffered subsequently one or even two engine failure.

    The plane was on route from Baku to Grozny and got rerouted apparently to Aktau due to heavy fog in Grozny. It crashed about 2 miles short of the airport in Aktau. It is likely that the pilots have made a mistake in their approach and due to lack of engine power were unable to correct it.

    A sad accident that is however probably unrelated to the war in Ukraine.

  7. The more I learn about the crash, the more I’m straight up impressed with the pilots. It’s a miracle they got +50% survival rate by how that crash video looks like

  8. Prestigious-Log-7210 on

    This just breaks my heart knowing over half are going to die.

  9. stevedisme on

    As more and more Russian Federation efforts are put into the “Special” Ukraine debacle, more and more pieces of highly technical things will rattle off.

    I’d bet dollars to doughnuts that this is not the result of conflict directly…..but indirectly, damn right. One of many symptoms on display of failing government, that violated rule 1.

    Don’t do stupid.

  10. Midnight2012 on

    Oh shit, this is a new one. Some good shots of the shrapnel holes as it went though the plane.

    I’m surprised I don’t see blood splatter from that. I wonder if they got lucky enough that the shrapnel didn’t hit anything living at least.

  11. Excellent-Tennis-231 on

    Second video confirms shrapnel hit body and tail real bad

  12. Reddit is an echo chamber.

    That’s a flap fairing and doesn’t affect safety of the flight. The plane started having problems when flying over the Caspian Sea, thousands of miles from any Russian military installation.

    Yes, Putin is a piece of shit, but if this was due to military shoot down, US would’ve known by now. Sometimes, things like bird strikes do happen. And this looks like a hydraulic failure that Air Astana 1388 has years ago on the same plane type.

  13. sailon-live on

    Ther ist no damage to the wing, that’s just a aerodynamic cover. You can fly without these, you just burne morgen fuel.

  14. redditor0918273645 on

    I’m interested in seeing the passenger list now. There was clearly an attempt to shoot this down. The only question remaining is why. Classic Russian incompetence? Or was one of the Russian citizens on board someone who the FSB or Don-don thought needed to die in what could be shrugged off as a tragic accident?

  15. Whaddyalookinatmygut on

    RT was reporting earlier that it accidentally fell out of a window. Crazy world.

  16. Available-Rate-6581 on

    The plane looked like it was having problems with pitch control in the video I saw although it was difficult to be sure as there wasn’t a constant background.

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