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Sounds like Trump is upset something Biden did, so he’ll do the opposite. Same thing as he did with Obama policies
This is the guy Christians chose. Jesus was big on executing criminals.
Trump is a Sociopathic Narcissist; he’s a true sadist, and watching others in fear, or suffering, or struggling makes him feel powerful and complete. He loves to see people committing acts of violence for him. I have no doubt we’re in for a trip to hell…
Will he do this on day one 1️⃣
Trump’s not only our Savior he’s Pontius Pilate as well.
Imagine what kind of person you have to be to be mad that you can’t kill people.
Trump is the kind of guy to try to issue a reverse pardon.
He’s a fucking monster.
And this will reduce the price of eggs?
Here’s your headline for the next 4 years about literally everything:
Trump vows to be a petulant, triggered snowflake because libs hurt his feelings.
How’s that bring down the price of eggs?
I find solace that the religious folks that follow him will wind up in hell. Just like their precious book says. Not my book, their book.
If Biden cured cancer Trump would bring it back.
Concepts of a plan.
I hope he realizes that whatever action he takes on death penalty will not materially make a difference in his lifetime. Death row appeals take years and decades..
Even if he places a ton of people on death row appeals take forever and future president has the right to commute their sentence to life.
I studied the death penalty quite heavily in law school w one of the execs of the Innocence Project and that was by far the most memorable class I ever took. I wish there was more understanding of our death penalty. Everyone keeps focusing on the crime and finding justice for the victims (don’t get me wrong that is VERY important), but something people often miss is at the end of the charges sits a man/woman that deserves a fair trial. Constitutional fair trials are great in theory, but something that is so often not executed properly. Coerced confessions, falsified evidence, biased police lineups, tainted witness statements, it is insane. So many people were wrongfully convicted and placed on death row only to be exonerated years later. Unfortunately, some never made it out of death row.
This is to say that it takes a special kind of human being to pride himself at pursuing executions as if human lives were disposable
Lastly, to those black and Hispanic men who so eagerly voted for Trump, strap in…. You’re in for a wild ride
Trying to be Cesar.
Ending up like Caligula
Based on past experience, Trump will pursue a little white ball and have few successes otherwise.
I just don’t know how people like politicians that clamber to kill. Even if you think these prisoners deserve it and should be killed why are you thirsting for it? Who could thirst for the blood of strangers like that?
Nothing says pro life religious republicans like maga death cult Armageddon it
Pro life until they are born, then fuck em. I’m all for the death penalty in certain circumstances but republican hypocrisy annoys me.
“Pro-Life! Pro-Life! Pro-Life! Pro-Life! Pro-Life! Pro-Life! Pro-Life!” Wait, I thought they were the party of Pro-Life?
Bloodthirsty maniac
Does the vice president even have the authority to do that? He might want to check with Elmo before making these kinds of claims
Trump is a convicted Sexual Assaulter.
Sure, Donnie – let’s start with convicted felons also found responsible for sexual assault. Go!
Ah, the pro life party am I right?
I’ve been saying this. “Pardoning” anyone (as Biden) wouldn’t matter to Trump bc nothing matters to Trump, nothing applies to him either. Somehow Trump, since forever, can literally do *anything* and does, with no consequence. So.. he will just re-arrest pardoned people.
A lot of conservatives think commuted means released from prison.
Why? What the actual f is wrong with this gasbag?
Trump has always been for the death penalty so I’m not surprised. I recall when the park 5 had evidence proving their innocence he still wanted them jailed and/or executed. Because to do otherwise would mean he was wrong to put out a full page ad in the New York Times calling for their deaths.