Hallo, lebte von Juli 2021 bis November 2022 in Germanty, Düsseldorf. Der Vermieter hat mir das heute geschickt und angegeben, dass ich 277 € schulde. Ist das eine authentische Anfrage? Schätzen Sie die Hilfe!


Von pierogi420


  1. Why do you question authenticity? Why shouldn’t it be real? I’d question legality.

  2. PensionResponsible46 on

    Is this all you got?
    It says “Anlage”. Meaning attachment. The main part is missing.

    Also it is coming too late. He wrote 2023. But you received it now? Bad luck for the landlord. Missed the deadline.

  3. As far as I know a landlord needs to provide this in the following year. So end of 2023. Since it’s end of 2024, I think you don’t need to pay this anymore. But please get this double checked!!

  4. Normal-Definition-81 on

    Shouldn’t 2022 have been received by 31.12.2023?

    Irrespective of this: where and what is the apportionment key, the individual items etc…

  5. Yes and no. Basically it is valid, but it has to be demanded max 1 year after the year ended, so end of 2023.

    Edit: you probably can even demand money back since hes late.

  6. MikeTsenatek on

    Iam not a lawyer.

    If he send it’s to you today and not last year you don’t have to pay.

    But if he didn’t had your new address it may be possible you have to pay.

    But normally you only have to pay if the requests receives you until 31th of December the next year.

  7. Its authentic but you dont need to pay it because they waited a whole year. Should have sent that to you by the date on the bottom of the letter. And also because its missing all the information, breaking down how the costs were calculated.

  8. MediocreI_IRespond on

    I guess your Englishbis even worse than mine. Your questions is more like, should I pay. The answer to this question is a bit more nuancend. Yes, you should pay. If it is agreed in the contract and if your landlord does fullfill a bunch of criteria. I can’t speak for the former, but the latter is not a given here.

  9. It doesn’t matter. Your landlords claims for the year 2022 expired with the end of the year 2023. If he first made his claims after 2023 ended, you do not have to pay anything.

  10. Close case, you should check the post sticker. In legal terms a paper is received by you after 3 days of sending it (working days) If it was in the Christmas time the judge could give you some benefit on this and if it arrived after the 31.12.2023 – you don’t have to pay shit.

    Doesn’t matter what it states there at the bottom

  11. modstoosensitive on

    Check the post sticker, if that is after 31.12.2023 – you don’t have to pay anything

  12. AirUsed5942 on

    Everyone can send a letter with some random numbers on it and demand payment.

    Ask on what legal grounds he’s demanding anything

  13. is this really comprehensible for anyone? looks like an amateurish mess to me. I’d expect a nice itemized , totalled and deducted overview, not this criss cross set of numbers

  14. Medical_Weekend_749 on

    He is writing 19.12.2023 – sure that you have received it today?
    The date is vital…

  15. It’s for 2022 which he needs to send to you by last day of 2023. So he’s a year too late. You don’t have to pay anything.

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