Russland startet am Weihnachtstag einen „unmenschlichen“ Raketenangriff auf die Ukraine


  1. Even hitler stopped for Christmas. Which just shows what a fucking cunt putin is.

  2. MakoRedactor on

    Of course they do. It is a terrorist state. Always has been and always will be.

  3. Murky_Bet_6298 on

    Keep sending missiles deep into Russia taste own medicine 💊, better still drop that illegal bridge in crimea.

  4. And I’m sure they’ll whine and demand a truce in January for Orthodox Christmas, again.

  5. Puzzleheaded_Age4413 on

    They are angry that we didn’t have to eat our hamsters for Christmas, like they showed in that clip a couple of years ago

  6. The title is redundant. You would not expect them to do anything “humane”, would you?

  7. Patient-Librarian166 on

    Thank you russians must be proud, killing there own brothers and sisters, i understand its not all but why can’t one of you take out the devil

  8. 82AirborneDivision82 on

    I wish Santa delivers mines and drones down your chimneys, you pathetic evil motherfuckers.

  9. MarkaSpada on

    putin will stop doing this if Ukraine will bomb their cities too specifically moscow

  10. John_Smith_71 on

    Russia is signalling a great big ‘fuck you, we’ll do what we want’ to the West.

    So why for the love of god are we holding back on supplying weapons and allowing Ukraine to use them?

  11. RedditModsRGays on

    The only thing I want for Christmas is the destruction of orcistan and the liquidation of the muscovite scum that runs the terror state apparatus.

  12. Putin needs to be taken out… The world would be a better place without him..

  13. iswearimnotwhite on

    Make sure you get all of putins bloodline, not one of them to be spared, there will be no cut off age.

  14. lakeboredom on

    The entirety of Europe still terrified of a failing Nation. Ukraine’s neighbors do nothing. Pathetic.

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