Japan zielt mit neuem Touristenvisum auf wohlhabende Chinesen ab



  1. flyingbuta on

    Frankly speaking, with the economic downturn in China, Japan has an opportunity to absorbs the talents and affluents. On the other hand, we know Chinese are not always welcome

  2. One_Community6740 on

    I bet it results from talks behind closed doors to regain visa-free access to China for Japanese citizens. All this news about easing visa requirements for the Chinese “coincidentally” comes right after China reinstated its short-term visa waiver for Japanese citizens at the end of last month.

    Japan got a visa waiver in exchange for an easing visa regime, so it is a win-win for both parties. Singapore, for example, got bullied into a mutual visa waiver earlier this year. So Japan got off easy.

  3. sjbfujcfjm on

    Complain about tourists behavior then target the worst ones. Never change japan

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