Dunkle Energie ist eine falsche Identifizierung von Variationen in der kinetischen Energie der Expansion des Universums, sagen Wissenschaftler. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass wir keine dunkle Energie benötigen, um zu erklären, warum sich das Universum scheinbar immer schneller ausdehnt.
Sounds promising!
Source paper: [Supernovae evidence for foundational change to cosmological models](https://academic.oup.com/mnrasl/article/537/1/L55/7926647?login=false)
I wonder how long until people will start being called idiots for thinking dark energy is a thing.
This is great news if true. Dark Energy as a concept made no sense. I hope we can throw it in the same bin as ether and other old ideas that were untrue.
Does this mean that we are still not understanding spacetime as well as we think? What would be the cause of spacial dimensions expanding at such great speed? Is it just continuing expansion from the first rapid expansion at the beginning of time?
An explanation not involving dark energy is what I have my bet on. Happy to be right or wrong of course.