Der Gouverneur von Kalifornien, Gavin Newsom, unterzeichnet ein neues Gesetz, das LGBTQ+-Studenten vor dem Outing schützt. „Ich glaube einfach nicht, dass Lehrer Geschlechterpolizisten sein sollten“, sagte Newsom über den SAFETY Act.


  1. southpawFA on

    >“Teachers can still talk to parents. There’s nothing in that law that suggests teachers cannot engage parents if they’re concerned about the safety of the child,” Newsom said. “If that concern is around their sexual orientation, I find it curious, but to the extent that they feel that someone’s sexual orientation is a safety issue, then those teachers can continue as they have been able to engage parents. What they can’t do under the law is fire a teacher for not being a snitch.”

    >Newsom stressed the importance of these protections not just for the teacher but also for the students who often see a teacher as the only person with whom they can talk about their sexual or gender identity.

    >“Often they can’t confide with someone at home,” Newsom said. “They confide with a teacher. And a teacher may, in many ways, save their life. And I don’t think that teacher should be fired if that teacher doesn’t turn in that child.”

    >The bill was enacted in response to conservative districts in the state that [enacted policies forcing school staff]( to disclose a student’s gender identity to their guardians if it does not match their sex at birth.

    Good on Governor Newsom for signing this bill. This will protect so many kids from potential abuse at home.

    I will say this one time and one time only: forced outing is violence. If you out someone before they are ready to come out themselves, you have committed an act of violence against that person.

    We know that 40% of homeless youth in the U.S. identify as LGBTQIA+, and it’s often due to the fact that they get kicked out of their homes by their religious parents. Conversion therapy is still legal in over half the country, and we know that leads to nothing but trauma for kids.


    So, this is such a great thing, what Governor Newsom has done!

    I just anticipate Faux Snooze trying to spin this in some nefarious manner.

    This will probably be the chiron:


  2. rougepenguin on

    The key thing here that I feel gets lost when people rage about this isn’t necessarily that some cabal is out there thinking the state should shield parents from knowing what’s going on with their kids…it’s that these “simple notification” efforts are in practice an abuse of mandated reporter rules.

    No, teachers should not be required to under threat of severe penalties go through an elaborate process to notify parents at the first sign of anything that might be considered a trans identity. That’s stupid. It’s just like a lot of other things the GOP tries to push here, it makes some sense if you only listen to a tweet about it but falls apart under any actual scrutiny.

  3. Boring_Investment597 on

    Good – teachers aren’t family and they’re not medical professionals, there is zero reason they should be mandated to involve themselves in the personal life of a student like that, especially when it comes to their sexuality. It could not be further from their responsibilities as an educator.

  4. An awful lot of conservative policies regarding minors involve treating them like the literal property of their parents.

  5. Republicans: “Stop right there! We are going to enforce a mandatory genital check. We need bloodwork to check your testosterone levels as well. If you fail we will put an ad in the newspaper with your name and address, ban you from taking part of any sports, force you to use the wrong bathroom and arrest your family if they support you.”

  6. Mountain-Rich7244 on

    If i was a teacher and some kid said they were lgbt I’d be like ‘that’s dope’ and then do something else

  7. This is why democrats will continue to lose. The government should never decide societal issues, society should. Taking parents choice away for government mandates is wrong no matter how noble one might be.

  8. VaguelyArtistic on

    He also proactively declared a state of emergency for bird flu. Meanwhile, Louisiana is prohibiting health officials to speak about any vaccines, from flu to MPox.

  9. Newsom is absolutely correct about this. When educators act as gender police, it ruins education for the targeted. I know this as a result of direct experience.

  10. LePhoenixFires on

    GOP: Hey 10 year olds, show us your genitals and tell us your sexuality or we’ll attack every adult you trust! We’re the party of family values!

    Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Roy Moore, and Donald Trump: Family values! Woo hoo!

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