Der Vorstand der Eigentumswohnung gibt nach, nachdem er versucht hat, die Mitnahme von Begleithunden für Besucher einzuschränken


  1. Impossible__Joke on

    The amount of people who can’t handle the slightest bit of authority is insane. No Karen, your board position does not override Canadian law.

  2. RefrigeratorOk648 on

    >”There’s no need to escalate it. This is a common sense board.”

    Yeah sounds like it \s

  3. RoyallyOakie on

    While it seems stupid to go against service dogs, there needs to be greater oversight on what is and is not a service dog. There are dogs everywhere now that are clearly NOT service dogs, but all you need to do is buy a harness online and tell everyone it’s a service dog.

  4. Alarmed_Influence_21 on

    Remember that woman who had a scrap a couple of months ago with Porter over her ‘service dog’?

    The Alberta license she got for it has nothing whatsoever to do with actually being a service dog, and only tests whether they obey basic commands and are friendly enough to be around people. She also claimed it was a balance dog, even though it was a 20lb little terrier and balance dogs are all larger breeds that can manage the handle/harness.

    She was full of shit, in other words, but doubled down and won the PR war.

    Sure, there’s condo associations that go WAY overboard, don’t get me wrong, but idiots aren’t confined to condo boards. They also sometimes fake their pet’s credentials. I’d want to know more about the specifics before deciding which pool has the actual idiots (if not even both pools).

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