Über 207 Menschen wurden beim Massaker von Port-au-Prince hingerichtet



  1. Cerebral_Harlot on

    I don’t understand how the multinational police mission can be expected to succeed when only 10% of the pledged troops are actually there and funding is lagging so bad.

    Why are China and Russia dragging their heels on turning it into a peacekeeping mission? I mean specifically.

  2. A UN official is quoted, “I call on the Haitian justice system to conduct a thorough investigation into these horrific crimes and to arrest and punish their perpetrators, as well as those who support them. I also call on the authorities to quickly establish a specialised judicial unit to handle this type of crime.”

    I’m sorry but feel more informed than this idiot. Last time I checked Haiti is real world example of a post apocalyptic era of terror. No government, no law, total social collapse. So who the fuck is going to put together a special tribunal to investigate this? UN is fucking useless.

  3. Haiti exemplifies why international organizations like the UN have been abject failures

  4. Honest question. Is anyone here actually opposed to their countries just putting together a coalition and taking the country,?

    Right now the current system is just utterly failing it’s people. The good people have no hope and the bad ones are free to do what they want. 

    But the gangs against a state of the art military wouldn’t last more than a couple of days. 

    By taking the country I don’t mean for good, but a temporary occupation to get a functioning government in place. 

  5. Karliki865 on

    Best strategy here is to just contain the issue. Keep them isolated and prevent them from fleeing in droves to become other nations problems. Good luck to the DR who shares a border with this failed nation

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