Biden unterzeichnet ein Gesetz, das den Weißkopfseeadler offiziell zum Nationalvogel der USA macht


  1. sportsDude on

    Good trivia question for when did the US designate the Bald Eagle as the national bird.

  2. Trump should love this. According to Ben Franklin,

    > “For my own part I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen the Representative of our Country. He is a Bird of bad moral Character. He does not get his Living honestly. You may have seen him perched on some dead Tree near the River, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the Labour of the Fishing Hawk (osprey); and when that diligent Bird has at length taken a Fish, and is bearing it to his Nest for the Support of his Mate and young Ones, the Bald Eagle pursues him and takes it from him.

  3. chartreusey_geusey on

    For those curious or confused:
    The bald eagle was already designated the national *emblem* (since 1782) and the national animals were considered the bison and the bald eagle. This bill just specifies and designates the bald eagle as the national *bird* also. The bison is the national mammal.

  4. Traditional_Key_763 on

    boo the turkey is much better I will continue this 200 year argument

  5. Especially the one that tried to attack Trump. That’s my favorite bald eagle.

  6. LumpySpaceGunter on

    Do something about Palestine! Rescind the remaining awful Trump era immigration regulations/decisions!


  7. Negative_Gravitas on

    Hmm . . . Big. Powerful. Good looking. Shrill. Aggressive. And pretty stupid, even as Birds Go. Yep. It’s pretty much the perfect bird to symbolize the US.

  8. LarrBearLV on

    Was Trump thinking about appointing a cat as the official bird or something?

  9. shawnsblog on

    I love how Biden is running around just doing all the best stuff before Trump can claim it, just to troll him.

    I’m the most patriotic president of all time they say…. – Trump
    Biden – Well, I made the the National Bird the Bald Eagle.

  10. So I guess we all have healthcare now and crisis in the ME is solved?

    Jk. I hate when people say that about police busting thieves and turnstile jumpers. The bald eagle thing is long overdue, I like how Biden’s just doing a bunch of random stuff before he leaves office.

  11. Emotional_Storm5946 on

    Can Biden sign a deal where eagly gets a season 2 of peacemaker too? lol

  12. Katanachainsaw on

    Small eagle. Eats fish. Sqwarks rather than calls. Your national bird is essentially a fancy seagull.

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