„Normale Menschen mit Schaufeln“: Freiwillige, die die Ölpest im Schwarzen Meer beseitigen, bitten Putin um Hilfe



  1. “ask Putin for help”

    Lol .. you have to be really gullible or desperate to ask a murderous war criminal for help.

  2. NextTrillion on

    >At least 3,700 tons of heavy oil were spilled, though the actual volume may be higher, according to Greenpeace Ukraine. Video from the scene showed blackened waves washing the heavy fuel oil known as mazut onto rocky shores. In one video, a bird – its wings thick with oil – could be seen squawking in distress as it was pummeled by waves, unable to lift its wings and fly away.

    More blood on the hands of Putin and his supporters. Doubt they’ll shed a tear for the millions of wildlife creatures affected by their useless and pathetic attempt at a war though.

  3. I doubt he would help. Cant even complete a short excursion into other countries borders. He lacks man power and brain power.

  4. Helping with this environmental catastrophe he caused would require funds and manpower but he‘d rather spend the funds to kill Ukrainians and the manpower to die for him in a far away land.

  5. I love how giant governments and corporations fuck up and the average dude is out there trying to clean it up. It’s so fucked up.

  6. Itool4looti on

    Putin-“What problem? Oil in the Black Sea, nobody will see it. Now, go stand next to that 10th story window.”

  7. macross1984 on

    I’ll be very surprised if Putin give helping hand. Environmental disaster is no concern of his. He only care victory over Ukraine no matter what the cost.

  8. Holobalobaloo on

    Between Putin not helping clean his own oil spill and NATO countries rescuing Russian sailors from their own decrepit, sinking vessels in the Mediterranean, perhaps Russian people might finally start questioning their mass-murdering, nuclear-apocalypse-threatening dictator a little bit.

    Or maybe that’s wishful thinking, and their train of thought will just start and end with some variation of ‘but the west did X’ instead.

    Edit: I’m not a religious person, but the irony of this oil spill most heavily impacting the strait between Russia and Crimea is about as close to ‘finger of God’ as it comes imo.

  9. diligentnickel on

    What an opportunity and international embarrassment and inflection point to send American National Guard, with a few scientists to clean, and a few special forces to help clean and fuck some shit up. Just saying..?

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