NEU: Russische Streitkräfte haben sich Berichten zufolge vollständig von den meisten ihrer Stellungen in Syrien zurückgezogen, darunter auch von ihrem Stützpunkt in Qamischli im Norden Syriens. Russlands einzige verbliebene Stellungen befinden sich bei Hmeimim und Tartus an der syrischen Küste.


  1. NominalThought on

    Because those Russian clowns made a deal with the rebels to keep the bases, in exchange foe weapons.

  2. Breech_Loader on

    If they didn’t have those ports, they wouldn’t be able to go to Syria, try to pick up some of their crappy weapons, and then sink on their way out.

    The EU has told Syria they will lift sanctions if Russia is kicked out, so it’s pretty much a no-brainer with that one, Syria just has a few other things to sort out first.

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