Kurdisch geführte Streitkräfte drängen von der Türkei unterstützte syrische Rebellen in einer angespannten Offensive zurück



  1. totallyRebb on

    Come on Turkey, go home and be a family man.

    Just leave the Kurds alone, or let them keep the land north of the Euphrat and call it a day ?

  2. Ok_Lengthiness3647 on

    Typical turkey to never let people live peacefully. As long as Erdogan is president(dictator) there can’t be peace

  3. The Turkish backed terrorist organisation SNA wants to commit genocide against Kurds.

  4. Inside-Yak-8815 on

    Rooting for the Kurds in this fight. Turkey was talking trash about Israel all the while they’ve been trying to eliminate the Kurds the whole time. Hypocrisy.

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