Houthi-POV im Jemen-Taiz, bevor sie eliminiert wurden (ich glaube durch Saudi Apache)

Von Ok-Possession-7597


  1. Decent_Persimmon8120 on

    Shell impacts seem too light and lacking explosive power, sound also sugests machine gun or 20mm autocannon . Most likely a light or medium machine gun

  2. RecklessScrolling on

    That agghh for the last split second made me chuckle for some reason. Also the Allah Akbar came before the action in this one. It’s like Allah told him it was coming. It always gets yelled .25 seconds after the event never .25 seconds before lmao.

  3. Weird clip, the shots sound very close , and he films himself still after being shot ….

  4. I could very well be wrong, but judging by the sound and impacts it makes me think this was one of their guys opening up with an LMG haphazardly. The gun being fired sounds very like it’s in close proximity. No shots whizzing or cracking overhead just straight up muzzle sound. Maybe one of the bros got excited when his buddy loudly shouted “Allahu Akbar” and decided to squeeze his trigger. Or maybe I’m dead wrong and the microphone is playing tricks on my ears. Still looks to be a bit small caliber for a Heli, IMO. There’s no way that’s a 30mm cannon IMO.

  5. Snacktasticus on

    It looks like mg fire from the opposite side of the hill. I’m betting most of those guys were behind cover. I hear no screams.

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