Ökonomen sagen, dass mehr Spielraum für einen Rückgang besteht, da der kanadische Dollar seinen Abwärtstrend fortsetzt



  1. IntelligentPoet7654 on

    Soon the Canadian dollar will be like the Syrian dollar, worth toilet paper. Maybe even like the Zimbabwe dollar.

  2. Sylvester11062 on

    “But the conservatives would be sooo much worse” at least Harper balanced the budget

  3. elfizipple on

    Everytime I hear about how _horrible_ our dollar is, I check the CAD-EUR exchange rate (what with my upcoming Europe trip) and see that… It’s pretty much the same as usual.

    So once again, lots of wild and wacky stuff is happening in the US right now that makes it a bit of a special case, but luckily there’s more to life than the CAD-USD exchange rate.

    I realize the CAD (and the Canadian economy) isn’t doing amazingly well, regardless, but I do think a little perspective helps.

  4. Burning___Earth on

    Yes, but the value of housing as an investment will be maintained 🙂

  5. This is great for a Canadian living in the US and home for the holidays

  6. Whatever the liberals are doing they aren’t delivering results. That much is obvious.

  7. Dark_Bowser on

    Reading shit like this as a Canadian youth with no job, barely any money, and can’t find/get another job, just depresses me and makes me worry about mine and other young Canadians futures

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