Die Parteien sind sich einig, dass Maßnahmen gegen Online-Schäden ergriffen werden müssen, aber die Zeit für ein neues Gesetz wird knapp



    1. LotsOfSquib on

      Bill 63 has to be the most oppressive bill ever tabled. I think he tabled it in march, and the debate didnt get around till June because it was so blattently oppressive. It’s not about protecting children and never will be. 

    2. GracefulShutdown on

      Time is not running out, Time’s run out. The bill isn’t going to happen. First thing that will happen when Parliament reconvenes is a nonconfidence vote then the conservative government that will replace it will throw this bill in the waste bin where it belongs.

    3. ApprenticeWrangler on

      This law is terrible and needs to be scrapped.

      Mean words online should be socially unacceptable but making them illegal is a massive restriction of freedom of expression.

      We can all agree that saying awful things should be denounced, discouraged and socially unacceptable without the need for more government overreach into our lives.

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