Moment, machen die Leute das? Ich lebe nicht in Dänemark, also frage ich wirklich.

Von Sad8At


  1. imSpejderMan on

    Sure they do. Not at all times as it’s not the cleanest water, but depends on you and the weather. It’s generally not recommended after heavy rains as you risk having some sewage water having been mixed with the water in the harbor

  2. The-red-Dane on

    Extremely popular too. Primarily in the summer, but there are winter bathing areas too.

  3. Yes, and it is amazing. I feel like this caused a small transformation of the city when it was made possible

  4. Sheepsaurus on

    Det kan man 🙂 (Which is a confirmation sentence, as a response to the sentence in the picture, simply affirming what is being said)

    You can also swap “Man” and “Kan” in your image, and add a question mark at the end, making it a valid question.

  5. Ofc you can swim in the Harbor, tho I think most people would agree that it is ill adviced to do so.

  6. *harbour

    /s twas a joke to take a stab at our American brotherfolks differences from the English.

  7. Bitter_Air_5203 on

    Yes, poor people do it a lot.

    I have seen them so it from my private helicopter when I’m going to and from meetings in the city.

    Personally I prefer to do it in my private pool or on the beach on my private island.

    Happy holidays.

    Eric Walther, CEO.

  8. IdentifiableUser on

    Oh yeah. Turns out when you force companies to stop polluting you can enjoy the world around you!

  9. Even saw people swimming during the Nyhvan canal tour just days ago (beware people the very first tour place is 100 DKK higher, figured that while sailing with that tour and seeing the other banner unfortunately)

  10. kerdesemvan on

    They actually do, seriously, they don’t have better thing to do.

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