Die Ukraine startet zum ersten Mal einen reinen Roboterangriff gegen russische Truppen (Quelle: 13. Brigade der Ukrainischen Nationalgarde)



  1. TheTelegraph on

    ***The Telegraph reports:***

    [Ukraine](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/ukraine/) mounted its first robot-only assault on a Russian position pushing back military forces despite being heavily outnumbered.

    Kyiv’s forces used dozens of remote-controlled vehicles mounted with machine guns as well as unmanned [kamikaze drones](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/12/23/one-in-ten-north-koreans-sent-to-ukraine-killed-or-wounded/) in the raid near the Ukrainian-held town of Lyptsi, the Ukrainian military said.

    The assault also used aerial surveillance and mine-laying drones in supporting roles.

    Volodymyr Dehtiarov, a representative for Ukraine’s Khartiia Brigade, said: “We are talking about dozens of units of robotic and unmanned equipment simultaneously on a small section of the front.” 

    With Kyiv struggling to overcome crippling manpower shortages, its armed forces have often placed faith in experimental armed robots in an attempt to turn the tide of war.

    In some areas of the battlefield, [Russia](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/russia/) has a three-to-one advantage in manpower.

    **Read more:** [**https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/12/24/ukraine-launches-robot-only-assault-against-russian-troops/**](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/12/24/ukraine-launches-robot-only-assault-against-russian-troops/)

  2. Sir_Fap_Alot_04 on

    imagine this kind of combat in cities.. fuck ieds… fuck suicide bombers. No one will hear this things coming..

  3. Due-Barracuda7535 on

    Happy to see Ukraine preserving the lives of their soldiers. Only problem is that russia can still counter it with vodka-robots of their own.

  4. Mindless-Box8603 on

    Now this with drones in the sky locating where the orcs are that can be hit with good strikes can be a game changer.


    It’s SUCH a huge shift in warfare and tactics. I don’t think we have seen something as momentously impacting since the advent of mechanized warfare.

    It’s literally history in the making.

    My admiration for these men and women is beyond words

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