Gantz sagt, Israel müsse den Iran direkt angreifen, um anhaltende Angriffe der Houthi abzuschrecken


  1. my20cworth on

    Every Houthi missile or rocket attack = 1 attack on an Iranian military installation until it stops. I’m sure Iran will tell the Houthis to settle down. Pointless targeting the Houthis, they don’t care of the consequences but Iran will do.

  2. Visible_Device7187 on

    Just take out the oil and power infrastructure and see how long the regime lasts when people run out of gas and generators shut down in winter

  3. Like that would do anything to Houthis. Houthis would keep doing their thing even if Iran would be destroyed.

  4. As long as there’s an ongoing war, there is no election, and as long as there’s no election, Bibi stays in power. So, who’s the next target?

  5. If dropping bombs directly on their head isn’t enough to deter them then I don’t think dropping bombs on someone elses head is going to do much at all either. Even if it’s the heads of their financiers.

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