Die Ukraine entwickelt eine Rakete, die Moskau erreichen kann – The Economist



    1. No_Neighborhood7614 on

      Hate to say it but “The Economist” is a shit name for a long range missile. Ukraine usually chooses better names.

    2. FrenchiestFry234 on

      They should hold a missile naming contest, $1 per vote. I suggest “thoughts and prayers”

    3. Ukraine – seeing Trump as not helping is hedging it’s bets. Reverse engineering US missiles… beautiful.

    4. LittleStar854 on

      TL;DR: It’s a short-range missile with a speed of 400 km/h. Since it’s a pulse jet it will be loud as balls. It’s main benefits is likely that’s it’s going to be cheap and simple to mass produce.

      > “The Trembita engine is a modern remake of the $200 pulse jet engine that was first used in the German V-1 bomb in 1944. The engine tube is a rough version. Underneath it hangs a more stylish gray rectangular casing that hides the guidance system and the missile warhead”
      > “The Trembita is capable of reaching speeds of up to 400 km/h and has a flight range of 200 km.
      > However, a more powerful model is being developed in Ukraine to reach moscow. Serial production is planned for the period after the final field tests.

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