Iranische Truppen attackieren während des Iran-Irak-Krieges einen irakischen T-72

Von Fuzzy-Clothes-7145


  1. Still-BangingYourMum on

    All those bullets and they still missed the tankies, those Iranian soldiers will make excellent storm troopers.

  2. Little-Cream-5714 on

    I still find it insane that despite being in a wide open desert, these two nations somehow got stuck in trench warfare with barb wire and gas.

  3. grumpyligaments on

    fuck i remeber being a kid watching late night HBO with some movie about a russian tank being hunted down by afghans. wtf was it called?

  4. That was a very close engagement, considering infantry vs armor in the desert.

  5. angrysc0tsman12 on

    Did the Iranians not know they could shoot the crew? It’s allowed in war.

  6. virus_apparatus on

    The shooting is so poor even though it’s not an easy shot it’s still very makable. Especially with all that firepower.

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