König Charles entzieht britischen Marken die königliche Genehmigung – darunter auch Marmite




    1. I shall be buying more marmite and cadburys to support them in their royal persecution.

    2. laxiuminum on

      A step in the right direction. A hereditary autocrat does not have any specialised skills for establishing quality produce. If he could carry on fucking off out of normal society that would be great.

    3. Say what you want about Harry not looking the part, but Charles is definitely Liz’s son

    4. TheAncientGeek on

      But everyone loves or hates marmite…what could be more appropriate?

    5. Nine_Eye_Ron on

      It Nestle still gets it? Should have nixed that one over a decade ago.

      This one also makes sense, but the mark is still devalued while Nestle products get it.

    6. WebDevWarrior on

      Hilarious that Nestle retain their Royal Warrant considering the crimes they have been involved in ([source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_of_Nestl%C3%A9)). With stealing freshwater, deforestation and climate change denial it makes Charlie boy a total hypocrit on his green credentials… though I guess their slavery and child labour fits like a glove for Andrew.

    7. PM_THE_REAPER on

      Seriously though; Does that make any real difference? Does taxation change? What is the actual effect?

    8. rocketshipkiwi on

      Oh well, that settles the age old love/hate question then doesn’t it!

    9. DewartDark on

      He gets all he wants from all of them for free. Samsung is on the list.
      That’s why there are a load of brewery’s on there!!!

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