Russlands Kriegsmaschinerie läuft auf Hochtouren, da die Industrie vor Insolvenzen warnt und der Kreml alte Panzer aus Filmstudios holt


  1. Class_of_22 on

    Thing is…now that Russia’s defense industry is warning that the way things are going are not sustainable and that the defense industry is all but on the verge of collapse…

  2. TheCommodore44 on

    It’s important to note that Russia will be unlikely to ever “run out” of hardware, but it may well reach a point where units become so supply constrained that the pace of operations falls to a stand still and we see the conflict freeze again until one side can get the materiel advantage again

  3. Wiseguy144 on

    I remain skeptical of Russian weakness until the regime collapses. Hopefully it’s overnight.

  4. Marchello_E on

    They are just different: Where we question their motives, they call it “liberating”.

    Flattened cities, carped bombed farmland, oiled up beaches, their own ‘volunteering’ population (1800 a day?), their economy, their industry, their future, their morality …. all unsustainably liberated.

    We may hope they tire themselves and become “liberated” until they give up or even die, yet the things lost along the way is shocking.
    We can call it something between fear, ego and madness, yet it’s actually beyond rational understanding.

    Merry Christmas everyone.

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