Glauben Sie, dass der Klimawandel und der Krieg in der Ukraine die eigentlichen Gründe dafür sind?

Von One_Relationship6573


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  2. SnooPaintings5100 on

    Or more people simply cant afford to have children.

    Besides that there is a lack of housing (with childen you probably need a bigger flat), Kita-places, school-places, doctors etc.

  3. xwolpertinger on

    I think Welt (being Springer gutter press in disguise) never heard about a little thing called “regression to the mean”

  4. Afraid_Mess5219 on

    I think the housing market + war + ecconomically unstable situation + covid pandemic + gender war on the internet etc.
    Our fathers would have often 1 stable work threw whole life. Currently a young person is estimated to change work 20-30 times during the lifetime. Lack of stability and cheap housing is the real issue. And this is not only about the Germany, whole Europe looks the same… people are tired, exhausted of working, competing and growing loneliness. Hard times to live in!

  5. SufficientWeek7142 on

    This is completely normal and will probably never reverse. **The better we live the less children we have**, there can be local small fluctuations within a few decimal points, but nothing is diverting it massively. E.g. children per woman can be increased by 0.05 if living costs are lower and there are more kindergarten places, but then it will even itself out.

    The only way to reverse this trend is if we move back to a full theocracy or have a catastrophe that destroys most of civilization.


  6. Word_Word_4Numbers on

    Mh… yeah it’s definitely climate change…

    The climate in Germany is changing quickly, but I doubt that it’s about temperature.

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