Russisches Schiff voller Truppen bricht auf See zusammen


  1. Sounds like a Ukrainian sea drone might be able to get it to its final destination. 😏

  2. Putin, if you hadn’t screwed over Ukraine that ship would be sitting at port in Sevastopol.

  3. Does this appear as a gain of 1 U-Boot in the Russian statistics or as a loss of yet another ship?

  4. Mental-Cat-5561 on

    I say first send chum then a sink the bitch. Be sure we a drone video though.

  5. Haunting_Birthday135 on

    Gotta reset that latest sinking Russian ship’s stopper again.

  6. tonyislost on

    Putin has been looking particularly inept lately. Aside from ending the United States with Musk.

  7. In this day and age, any world leader who starts a war or an invasion has to be considered a weak person and a weak leader. I realize that Russia has completely manipulated a large swath of their population, and their elections are also rigged, but eventually father time catches up to everyone. I just hope this weak man’s end comes soon.

  8. Hoes_and_blow on

    So according to the Article it’s drifting right now around the strait of Gibraltar… I for once wished the currents would make it drift towards Portugal and it get it marooned there… boy would this be funny…

  9. Really putting into perspective how you can APPEAR to a big scary force but fail so miserably when push comes to shove.

  10. MagazineMassacre on

    I think Ukraine would do well to give them a tug back to Russia.

  11. Emergency_Property_2 on

    Should make it an easy target for Ukraine. After all they’ll more than likely be sent to Ukraine.

  12. julias-winston on

    > the fuel pipe of the main engine failed

    I’m no sailor, but this seems like a pretty uncommon occurrence. Sabotage?

  13. No_Emergency_5657 on

    Quick someone air drop a couple crates of dildos for the boys.

  14. Betelgeuse-2024 on

    Russia: “It’s a special submarine operation, nothing to see here”

  15. Parking-Novel-3964 on

    Would be a shame if one of those smoking accidents were to occur.

  16. HealthNarrow4784 on

    “What happened to the ship?”
    “Она утонула”

  17. securehell on

    Near Portugal? Why not go through the Suez Canal if they were headed to Vladivostok?

  18. patrickthunnus on

    Would be a shame if a Ukrainian drone hit it while it was stranded at sea.

  19. Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the technical term for russian soldiers in this scenario “fish food”?

  20. Kung_Fu_Kracker on

    To everyone saying “sink it”, that’s not the move.

    The move is to watch and wait. When Russia sends rescuers, sink them. Make them waste as many resources as possible.

  21. I can’t believe the comments here. These people may be soldiers but they are also humans. Capture them, put them into a camp or in jail or whatever so they cannot fight for Putin. But butchering them when they are drifting helplessly at sea is the same cruelty the Russians have shown, we should be better than that. We are not monsters and we should not behave like monsters.

  22. PracticalDaikon169 on

    Front condition ? They have a high incidence of falling off.

  23. ooopsmymistake on

    Being stuck on a russian troop carrier near the straits of Gibraltar on christmas must be fun.

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