1. turdburglingstinker on

    Yeah I think we all figured that out when he didn’t want it released.

  2. rudbek-of-rudbek on

    The saddest part is that if he runs for the senate, he’ll probably win.

  3. Mysterious-Wasabi103 on

    Why hasn’t he been arrested though? This guy is a public nuisance.

  4. surfischer on

    Now I hope he goes sideways and releases all the dirt he has. He’s a very petty and vindictive man who burns bridges for sport. This will be fun.

  5. Pleasant_Expert_1990 on

    I wonder if he’ll run again? Probably get two or three more terms.

  6. MissRedShoes1939 on

    Please, please, please release the others name and shame of fellow congress members like he promised

  7. green_reveries on

    WE KNOW.

    Get back to us when he actually goes to jail for trafficking and raping children (but I’m not gonna hold my breath).

  8. Friends I know in Florida who are well to do say the Matty is guilty af and that his dad has been getting him off the hook for years. I’m glad that it’s finally biting him on the ass

  9. Writerhaha on

    So you’re telling me it was a republican trafficking and grooming a young woman!?

    I’m shocked. 😑

  10. JustSayinIt4YouNow on

    Wait until we learn the story about his adopting an adult !

  11. BrotherMcPoyle on

    To think non of this will cloud his chances of rebranding himself through a conservative talk show.

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