Ich frage mich, ob dies eine legitime Anfrage ist. Die unterschiedlichen Lieferadressen und das gerade erstellte Konto geben mir ein komisches Gefühl.


Von c0dy222


  1. leoll_1234 on

    The photo question is way stranger than the address. For people living near the border it’s common to use warehouse services in the other country to save on shipping costs. That’s not uncommon

  2. Actual-Garbage2562 on

    The whole Switzerland-Konstanz request is pretty normal. 

  3. Not a scam. Just the opposite, the buyer wants a proof that you really have the jacket and that you are not a scammer. That’s why he wants a photo with that jacket and todays date, you can’t find a photo like that on the internet and it’s not easy to countefit a photo like that with a real photo of the jacket, if you don’t have it.

  4. Only possible scam would be that he at same time tries to sell it to someone else. Then the second buyer would pay you and you send the jacket to the scammer. Just pay attention who you get the money from, also try an image reverse search with your posted pictures to see if he tries this scam.

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