Bosnien (Teslic und Tuzla) – Frontlinie (22. Juni 1995) Die bosnische Regierungsarmee befindet sich mitten in einem Feldzug zur Rückeroberung der von Serben gehaltenen Stadt Teslic im Norden Bosniens. (Clip)

Von Dull_Music3888


  1. lol…nice reenactments interspersed with what appears to be news footage?

    reminds me of terrible old action tv shows from the 90’s.

    edit: some might be real, i’m not saying this didn’t actually happen.

    i kept waiting for one of them to do a jumpkick.

  2. Chrillosnillo on

    Ah the good old days where you didnt get pwnd by a 17 yo guy with a grenade strapped to a civilian drone.

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