Das 425. Skala-Bataillon arbeitet mit M2 Bradley zusammen, um eine russische Stellung im Dorf Pishchane in der Region Donezk anzugreifen

Von Physical-Cut-2334


  1. RowdyHooks on

    I’m glad we gave the Bradleys and I’m not down for crapping on my country because we’ve given a lot, even though I wish we gave way more and were more timely about it…but it’s really confusing and disappointing that we didn’t give them closer to 500 instead of 200 when we have 4,000 M2s. And we couldn’t give 300 Abrams instead of 31 when we have 4,650? Really? I get that they go through fuel like Russians go through KY Jelly in the trenches at night, but give the damn tanks and sort out fuel logistics later. I’m not a politician and I’m sure there’s a lot I don’t know that would maybe explain the choices made thus far, but I just don’t get it. This is the most consequential war since WWII and this isn’t the time to be half-assing it. And now all we can do is hope Mr. Let’s-Inject-Them-With-Bleach-To-Kill-COVID will have enough common sense to not only keep giving but give even more with no restrictions attached? God help us all.

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